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Text File  |  1998-09-28  |  9KB  |  1,015 lines

  1. # All manner of quick sayings and phrases and easy to type passwords.
  2. #
  3. # By Dan Klein, Ken van Wyk, Matt Bishop, Bob Baldwin.
  4. #
  5. .,m
  6. .,mn
  7. .,mnb
  8. /.,
  9. /.,m
  10. /.,mn
  11. /.,mnb
  12. /dev/null
  13. /etc/passwd
  14. /usr/group
  15. 1029
  16. 10293
  17. 102938
  18. 1209
  19. 123
  20. 123098
  21. 1234
  22. 12345
  23. 123456
  24. 1234567
  25. 123abc
  26. 1812overture
  27. 4.2bsd
  28. 4.3bsd
  29. 4077mash
  30. 42bsd
  31. 43bsd
  32. 911sc
  33. 911scturbo
  34. 911turbo
  35. ;lk
  36. ;lk;lk
  37. ;lkasd
  38. aardvark
  39. abadabdoo
  40. abc123
  41. abcd
  42. abcde
  43. abcdef
  44. abracadabra
  45. abracadaver
  46. accounts
  47. acknak
  48. admin
  49. administ
  50. adventur
  51. aerobics
  52. alas
  53. aliases
  54. alphabet
  55. analog
  56. animals
  57. anumber1
  58. anumberone
  59. anvils
  60. apl
  61. apple2
  62. appleII
  63. applepie
  64. architect
  65. aria
  66. aristotle
  67. asap
  68. asdf
  69. asdfg
  70. asdfgh
  71. asdfghj
  72. asdlkj
  73. at&t
  74. atandt
  75. atmosphere
  76. aztecs
  77. backrub
  78. badboy
  79. badboy
  80. badtimes
  81. baglady
  82. bagwoman
  83. bakedpotatoe
  84. bananas
  85. barf
  86. barfer
  87. barfing
  88. bassoon
  89. bastard
  90. batcave
  91. batcomputer
  92. batman
  93. batmobile
  94. baystate
  95. beammeup
  96. beatit
  97. beatles
  98. beloved
  99. berlinwall
  100. bfd
  101. bigboy
  102. bigbrother
  103. bigbucks
  104. bigcock
  105. bigdeal
  106. bigdude
  107. bigguy
  108. bighips
  109. bighouse
  110. bigjoke
  111. bigmouth
  112. bigroom
  113. bigsecret
  114. bigtits
  115. bigtoe
  116. bimbo
  117. bimboe
  118. bitchin
  119. bitchin'
  120. bitching
  121. blackboot
  122. bleep
  123. bleeping
  124. bleeps
  125. bloomcounty
  126. blowjob
  127. blowme
  128. blowoff
  129. blueline
  130. bodyshop
  131. boeing
  132. bonkers
  133. bonzai
  134. bonzo
  135. boobie
  136. boobies
  137. boobys
  138. bookem
  139. bookemdanno
  140. boomer
  141. bornagai
  142. bourne
  143. bourne-again
  144. bourneagain
  145. boywonder
  146. braindead
  147. bravenewworld
  148. breakout
  149. breastfeed
  150. breasts
  151. brickles
  152. brickout
  153. brokenheart
  154. brothers
  155. bsd
  156. bsd4
  157. bsdunix
  158. bubba
  159. bubbah
  160. bubbahlah
  161. bubbalah
  162. buddah
  163. buddha
  164. buddhist
  165. budlite
  166. bugsbunny
  167. bullshit
  168. bumbling
  169. bunnyrabbit
  170. buttfuck
  171. buttfucker
  172. c++
  173. cabernet
  174. cabinboy
  175. cadcam
  176. caip
  177. caipcad
  178. caliban
  179. californ
  180. capfast
  181. cascades
  182. cashbox
  183. cerebus
  184. chainsaw
  185. changed
  186. changeit
  187. changeme
  188. changethis
  189. chardonnay
  190. charming
  191. checkin
  192. checkov
  193. cheesecake
  194. childsplay
  195. chldrn
  196. chopsticks
  197. christ
  198. christian
  199. cic
  200. clambake
  201. cleanfight
  202. cleanroom
  203. clitoris
  204. closefriend
  205. clusters
  206. coatamundi
  207. coatimundi
  208. cocacola
  209. cocakola
  210. codename
  211. cokacola
  212. coke
  213. cokeisit
  214. coldcuts
  215. coldshoulder
  216. coldwar
  217. comedienne
  218. comeon
  219. communication
  220. computer
  221. comrades
  222. condo
  223. condom
  224. condoms
  225. confiden
  226. conspiritu
  227. consulta
  228. consulti
  229. convex
  230. cooper
  231. cosmic
  232. cosmos
  233. crashcourse
  234. creation
  235. cs-ee
  236. csc298
  237. csc412
  238. cscie-ci
  239. csee
  240. cuddles
  241. cunt
  242. curmudgeon
  243. customer
  244. cutdown
  245. cutiepie
  246. cyber
  247. cyberpunk
  248. daemon
  249. daemonic
  250. daemons
  251. daltry
  252. dancer
  253. dangermouse
  254. dday
  255. dead-head
  256. deadahead
  257. deadhead
  258. deadhed
  259. dedhead
  260. dedhed
  261. deepfreeze
  262. deepsea
  263. deepsix
  264. deepspace
  265. deepthroat
  266. demon
  267. demonic
  268. demons
  269. desktop
  270. devilinside
  271. dewydecimal
  272. dial-in
  273. dial-up
  274. dialin
  275. dialup
  276. diamonds
  277. dickhead
  278. dicktracy
  279. digital
  280. dimwit
  281. diplomacy
  282. dipstick
  283. director
  284. discbrakes
  285. discjockey
  286. document
  287. dogcatcher
  288. dogfight
  289. doit
  290. doofus
  291. dopey
  292. dr.demento
  293. dragons
  294. drillpress
  295. drop dead
  296. dropdead
  297. ducksbreath
  298. dude
  299. dungeons
  300. dvlinside
  301. easier
  302. easton
  303. easycome
  304. easygo
  305. easylay
  306. eatme
  307. eatshit
  308. eatshitand
  309. edges
  310. ee-cs
  311. eecs
  312. einstein
  313. elephant
  314. elmstree
  315. email
  316. emptyhanded
  317. emptyheaded
  318. etaoin
  319. etaoin shrdlu
  320. etaoinshrdlu
  321. everafter
  322. excaliber
  323. excalibur
  324. exponent
  325. fairyring
  326. falsestart
  327. faretheewell
  328. farflung
  329. fargone
  330. farout
  331. fastbreak
  332. fastlane
  333. fatcat
  334. fender
  335. figleaf
  336. filesyst
  337. firebird
  338. fishers
  339. flakes
  340. flophouse
  341. flower
  342. flowers
  343. flyaway
  344. flyingfuck
  345. flyingleap
  346. foghorn
  347. foo
  348. foobar
  349. foobaz
  350. forearm
  351. foresight
  352. forkedtounge
  353. fourwheel
  354. fouryears
  355. foxtrot
  356. foxylady
  357. framemaker
  358. frat
  359. freakbrothers
  360. frenchfries
  361. freshbread
  362. freshmeat
  363. friends
  364. froshmeat
  365. fubar
  366. fuck
  367. fuck-off
  368. fuck-you
  369. fuckaduck
  370. fuckit
  371. fuckoff
  372. fuckyou
  373. funky
  374. furball
  375. fuzbat
  376. fuzzball
  377. fuzzbat
  378. galaga
  379. galaxian
  380. games
  381. gandalf
  382. get fucked
  383. get laid
  384. get lost
  385. get stuffed
  386. getfucked
  387. getlaid
  388. getlost
  389. getlost!
  390. getlucky
  391. getstuffed
  392. gnu
  393. gnuemacs
  394. gnus
  395. go away
  396. go away!
  397. go fuck yourself
  398. go jump in a lake
  399. go to hell
  400. goahead
  401. goaway
  402. goaway!
  403. goforit
  404. gofuckyourself
  405. gohome
  406. gojumpinalake
  407. golfer
  408. gonorrhea
  409. gonzo
  410. goodafternoon
  411. goodevening
  412. goodfight
  413. goodgrief
  414. goodjob
  415. goodmorning
  416. goodtimes
  417. goodwife
  418. goofus
  419. goonight
  420. gostraight
  421. goto hell
  422. gotohell
  423. gowest
  424. graphics
  425. gratefuldead
  426. greasyspoon
  427. greenline
  428. greeting
  429. hacker
  430. hairbag
  431. hairball
  432. hallelujah
  433. hammer
  434. hammered
  435. handwave
  436. handwaving
  437. happyending
  438. hard2see
  439. harddisk
  440. hardware
  441. he'sdead
  442. he'sdeadjim
  443. heartbreak
  444. hendrix
  445. herpes
  446. hesdead
  447. hesdeadjim
  448. heydude
  449. highlife
  450. hobbit
  451. hocus
  452. hocus pocus
  453. hocus-pocus
  454. hocuspocus
  455. holyshit
  456. honkey
  457. hoodlum
  458. hosanna
  459. hosannah
  460. hotdog
  461. hotlips
  462. hottip
  463. hubba
  464. hubbahubba
  465. hydroxyl
  466. i'mok
  467. i'mokay
  468. ibeleive
  469. ibelieve
  470. ibmpc
  471. ibmpcat
  472. ibmpcxt
  473. ibmsux
  474. icecream
  475. iforget
  476. iforgot
  477. ihateyou
  478. ihtfp
  479. iloveyou
  480. imok
  481. imokay
  482. ingres
  483. intercourse
  484. interleaf
  485. internet
  486. invinoveritas
  487. invisible
  488. inxs
  489. isajoke
  490. isreal
  491. it'sajoke
  492. it'sok
  493. it'sokay
  494. itsajoke
  495. itsok
  496. itsokay
  497. itsy-bitsy
  498. itsybitsy
  499. itty-bitty
  500. ittybitty
  501. jackolantern
  502. jagger
  503. jeepcj
  504. jeepcj7
  505. jello
  506. jellystone
  507. jester
  508. jesus
  509. jesuschrist
  510. jkl;
  511. johnlennon
  512. jump in a lake
  513. jumpinalake
  514. justforthe
  515. kal007
  516. katydid
  517. kerberos
  518. kilroy
  519. kinglear
  520. kleenex
  521. klingon
  522. klingons
  523. kokakola
  524. kook
  525. latenight
  526. led-zeppelin
  527. leddzeppelin
  528. ledzep
  529. ledzepp
  530. ledzeppelin
  531. lehi3b15
  532. lennon
  533. lespaul
  534. letlive
  535. letmein
  536. letsgo
  537. litterbox
  538. littletoe
  539. liveandletlive
  540. livenletlive
  541. lkj
  542. lkjasd
  543. lkjh
  544. lkjhg
  545. lkjhgf
  546. lkjlkj
  547. lmnop
  548. login
  549. logout
  550. longcock
  551. longhair
  552. longrest
  553. longtounge
  554. loosing
  555. lover
  556. lowgrade
  557. lowlife
  558. lsd
  559. luckybreak
  560. luckylady
  561. lunarlander
  562. macsyma
  563. madboy
  564. madman
  565. mainsail
  566. makebread
  567. makedrugs
  568. makeit
  569. makelove
  570. makeme
  571. makemyday
  572. makepeace
  573. makewar
  574. makingit
  575. makinglove
  576. manbat
  577. mansetmanis
  578. maplesyrup
  579. margaux
  580. margeaux
  581. marlboro
  582. mash4077
  583. mass
  584. masscomp
  585. master
  586. math
  587. math-cs
  588. maui
  589. meatcleaver
  590. meatwagon
  591. megadeth
  592. merrychristmas
  593. mets
  594. misanthrope
  595. misogynist
  596. mnb
  597. mnbv
  598. mnbvc
  599. mnbvcx
  600. mnbvcxz
  601. modula
  602. moguls
  603. molsongolden
  604. moonpie
  605. moosehead
  606. mr.
  607. mr.roger
  608. mrcharlie
  609. mrgoodbar
  610. mrwonderful
  611. mt.xinu
  612. mtxinu
  613. musicbox
  614. mycroftxxx
  615. mycroftyyy
  616. mypasswd
  617. mypassword
  618. nakamichi
  619. napoleon
  620. nearmiss
  621. neckrub
  622. net
  623. netlinks
  624. network
  625. networks
  626. newblood
  627. newkid
  628. newkids
  629. newuser
  630. newusers
  631. newworld
  632. newyork
  633. nigger
  634. nightmare
  635. nihaoma
  636. nobody
  637. nofun
  638. northwest
  639. nosecret
  640. notes
  641. notrespass
  642. novacancy
  643. noway
  644. nroff
  645. nuke
  646. nukem
  647. number1
  648. numberone
  649. nursie
  650. ohwell
  651. oldlady
  652. onionrings
  653. oops
  654. openbar
  655. opendoor
  656. opensaysme
  657. opensesame
  658. orangeline
  659. orca
  660. outlaw
  661. outtolunch
  662. overthrow
  663. overtime
  664. owns
  665. painless
  666. pakistan
  667. pampers
  668. papers
  669. parallel
  670. paranoia
  671. passwd
  672. password
  673. pcat
  674. pcxt
  675. peanutbutter
  676. pegasus
  677. penis
  678. pgonderin
  679. phrack
  680. phreak
  681. phrick
  682. pinkfloyd
  683. pipeorgan
  684. plaintruth
  685. playground
  686. plier
  687. plugh
  688. plumbrandy
  689. plymouth
  690. poiu
  691. poiuy
  692. poiuyt
  693. polarbear
  694. porsche
  695. porsche914
  696. portnoy
  697. poster
  698. powertool
  699. prettyface
  700. printer
  701. prof.
  702. pronghorn
  703. pumkinpie
  704. qed
  705. qwer
  706. qwert
  707. qwerty
  708. qwertyu
  709. qwertyui
  710. radio
  711. rastaman
  712. real
  713. realfriend
  714. really
  715. realthing
  716. realtime
  717. reboot
  718. redbaron
  719. redbrick
  720. redline
  721. remote
  722. riacs
  723. ringo
  724. rolex
  725. rolex
  726. rolidex
  727. romulan
  728. romulans
  729. ronin
  730. roses
  731. rti
  732. rules
  733. saab
  734. saab900
  735. saab9000
  736. saabturbo
  737. samadams
  738. sanfran
  739. sanfrancisco
  740. sauvignon
  741. sawedoff
  742. scamper
  743. scrofula
  744. scumbag
  745. seabreeze
  746. sei
  747. seive
  748. selftime
  749. semperfi
  750. sequent
  751. serenity
  752. server
  753. sesamestreet
  754. sexfiend
  755. shadyside
  756. shakespeare
  757. sharks
  758. shazam
  759. shazzam
  760. shit
  761. shit-head
  762. shitfaced
  763. shitforbrains
  764. shithead
  765. shivers
  766. showoff
  767. shrdlu
  768. sillywalk
  769. singer
  770. sixtynine
  771. sizenine
  772. skibum
  773. skiing
  774. skywalker
  775. sleazy
  776. slimeball
  777. slinky
  778. smallcock
  779. smallhips
  780. smalltalk
  781. smalltips
  782. smashed
  783. smiles
  784. smokedham
  785. snafoo
  786. snafu
  787. sneezy
  788. snorkydorky
  789. sod off
  790. sodoff
  791. sombrero
  792. sophomore
  793. sourmilk
  794. spaceman
  795. spam
  796. sparrows
  797. spiderman
  798. spiff
  799. spiffy
  800. spiritu
  801. spiritusanctu
  802. splif
  803. spliff
  804. spock
  805. sprang
  806. spyrogyra
  807. squires
  808. stainless
  809. stalker
  810. stars
  811. starship
  812. startrek
  813. starwars
  814. status
  815. stickshift
  816. stiffdrink
  817. stiffprick
  818. stimulate
  819. strat
  820. stratocaster
  821. stuffedturkey
  822. subgenius
  823. subway
  824. suckrocks
  825. sugarbear
  826. sulu
  827. summer
  828. sun
  829. sun-spot
  830. suntools
  831. super
  832. superuser
  833. supported
  834. surfer
  835. swamprat
  836. sweatshop
  837. sweetnes
  838. swingset
  839. sybase
  840. syphilis
  841. syphillis
  842. sys5
  843. systemfive
  844. systemv
  845. sysv
  846. take5
  847. takefive
  848. takeiteasy
  849. tcp-ip
  850. tcp/ip
  851. tcpip
  852. teakettle
  853. teaparty
  854. tech
  855. technical
  856. teeney
  857. teeny
  858. telecast
  859. telephone
  860. telnet
  861. temptress
  862. terminal
  863. testcase
  864. testguy
  865. tetris
  866. tex
  867. tgif
  868. thankgod
  869. thatcher
  870. thebeef
  871. thebutler
  872. thepenguin
  873. therealthing
  874. theriddler
  875. thickcock
  876. thickhead
  877. thickskin
  878. thinthighs
  879. tightass
  880. tightcunt
  881. tightfit
  882. tinman
  883. tireswing
  884. tits
  885. tolkein
  886. tolkien
  887. toosilly
  888. tortoise
  889. toysrus
  890. trailblazer
  891. trails
  892. transmit
  893. trapdoor
  894. tribble
  895. tribbles
  896. troff
  897. truefriend
  898. truelove
  899. tsing tao
  900. tsing-tao
  901. tsingtao
  902. tull
  903. tunasalad
  904. tunasandwich
  905. turnleft
  906. turnright
  907. tweetheart
  908. twenex
  909. uhn-soon
  910. uhnsoon
  911. umesh
  912. undead
  913. undergrad
  914. undergraduate
  915. unguessable
  916. unhappy
  917. unicos
  918. uniform
  919. unify
  920. unigrafix
  921. united
  922. unix
  923. unix-to-unix
  924. unix-tounix
  925. unixman
  926. unixsuck
  927. unixsux
  928. unknown
  929. untung
  930. upchuck
  931. upperclass
  932. upstill
  933. uptohere
  934. upyours
  935. usenet
  936. usenix
  937. user
  938. users
  939. uucp
  940. vader
  941. vectrex
  942. vectrix
  943. veday
  944. venture
  945. verilog
  946. veterans
  947. vicesquad
  948. virginbirth
  949. visavis
  950. vjday
  951. vlsi
  952. vms
  953. vmssucks
  954. vmsucks
  955. vt100
  956. vt52
  957. wank
  958. wanker
  959. warmweather
  960. warthog
  961. webetoys
  962. webhead
  963. weenie
  964. weeny
  965. welcome
  966. welsher
  967. whatchamacallit
  968. whatsup
  969. whatsupdoc
  970. whereisthebeef
  971. wheresthebeef
  972. whoopie
  973. whoopy
  974. wicked
  975. wombat
  976. wonderboy
  977. wonderbread
  978. woobie
  979. wooby
  980. woodstoc
  981. wxyz
  982. xinu
  983. xwindows
  984. xyz
  985. xyzzy
  986. yabba
  987. yabba-dabba-doo
  988. yabbadabbadoo
  989. yello
  990. yellowstone
  991. ying
  992. yingyang
  993. yoda
  994. yodude
  995. yogibear
  996. you'reok
  997. youareok
  998. youreok
  999. zener
  1000. zenerdiode
  1001. zeppelin
  1002. zinfandel
  1003. zork
  1004. zorkmid
  1005. zoro
  1006. zorro
  1007. zulu
  1008. zxc
  1009. zxcv
  1010. zxcvb
  1011. zxcvbn
  1012. zxcvbnm
  1013. zz-top
  1014. zztop